Data Backups for Small Businesses and Startups

Do you think your data is safe? Between ransomware, hardware failure, natural disasters, and human error - there are so many risks to running a business without a proper backup and disaster recovery solution as part of your IT strategy. Data backups are an important part of any IT strategy. By having regular and secure backups, you can ensure that all important information, files, and documents are protected in the event of a data loss or disaster. A cloud backup is the most reliable and secure solution for this type of data protection.

Using a managed IT service offering comprehensive backup solutions provides businesses with an affordable way of protecting their data assets against loss caused by disasters both natural and manmade without worrying about expensive infrastructure investments or maintenance costs associated with traditional storage solutions. Furthermore, the scalability factor offered by most cloud vendors allows businesses to easily adjust their storage capacity on demand depending on their changing needs while enjoying increased security levels thanks to encryption protocols used throughout the entire process—from transmission through storing at rest—ensuring maximum safety measures are taken when handling sensitive information across multiple devices and locations simultaneously.

Our backups service works well alongside our suite of other Managed IT Services: antivirus/anti-malware protection, maintenance, and password management.


Do you know the difference between cloud backup and cloud storage?

Many business owners don't know the difference! With cloud backups, your data is backed up on multiple remote servers located offsite from your primary network. This provides extra protection for your data as it is not stored on site where it can be susceptible to natural disasters like floods, fires, or other accidents. Additionally, because the data is stored remotely there is no need to worry about physical storage space or cost associated with buying and maintaining hardware storage units. Furthermore, cloud backups provide access to historical versions of files so you can restore previous versions if needed.

Another benefit of using a cloud-based backup service is that your data is always accessible regardless of location or time of day. This means that if a user needs to access a file while they are away from the office they have complete access as long as they have an internet connection. Additionally, with some services you can also set up automatic backups so you always have an up-to-date version of your files without having to manually perform them yourself each time.

Why do you need a cloud backup?

Cloud backups offer more reliability than traditional backup methods due to their scalability and redundancy features; this means that if one server fails another will take its place so that you don't lose any data due to hardware failure or damage from natural disasters. In addition, many cloud providers offer encryption technology which adds extra security for sensitive business information as well as peace of mind knowing that only authorized personnel will be able to view and use the backed up files.

Overall investing in a cloud backup service offers numerous advantages over traditional backup methods such as improved protection for important company information, easier access anytime anywhere and added security features such as encryption technology making it the preferred choice for businesses seeking reliable data protection solutions.



Prevent ransomware attacks with our antivirus and anti-malware protection software that acts like a Tech Ninja.


Do you frequently ignore alerts to update your software and apps? Our regular maintenance service helps you avoid downtime and lost productivity with regular updates for your Mac or PC.

Password Management

Easy-to-remember passwords are also easy for cybercriminals to crack. Our team of experts help you install a password manager for all of your accounts using a unique and difficult to hack password.


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Take our free IT Risk Assessment to understand how your current IT setup scores in four important categories: IT infrastructure, effective backups and disaster recovery, security, and workflow.