GPS Tracking for Laptops & Mobile Devices

Theft of laptops, tablets and other mobile devices is a common occurrence these days. If your device falls prey to theft, the ability to track it down can be essential. GPS Device Tracking is a powerful solution designed to help you recover your lost or stolen laptop, tablet or mobile device. By simply installing the tracking software on your device, you can quickly gain access to location data and real-time tracking information so that you have the best chance of recovering your important assets.

We offer a simple, affordable solution for device tracking and protection. Given today's increasingly remote workforce, having this security in place can help you feel at ease that you are able to track and control your devices, protect your data, and find any lost devices quickly.


Do you have a plan for the theft of laptops and mobile devices?

We can help your team minimize the downtime and potential data loss from a stolen or misplaced device. Our GPS tracking solution for laptops and mobile devices is easy to implement with our team of experts. Let us help you protect your assets and have the peace of mind when it comes to distributing devices across your team.

How to track a stolen laptop?

Prey GPS Device Tracking makes use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to provide accurate location data for any device that has been installed with the software. With this data, users are able to see where their device is located at all times and take action if it is being moved without authorization. The satellite-based tracking also provides complete coverage across North America as well as most parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. This means that you don’t have to worry about missing out on potential recovery opportunities due to geographical limitations.

In addition to providing an effective way for users to keep track of their devices, Prey GPS Device Tracking is also easy to use and setup. All that needs to be done is downloading the app and then providing some basic information such as email address and login details that will allow access from any internet connected device. Once everything is setup, users will be able to easily monitor their devices using a comprehensive dashboard that provides detailed information about where each one is located and when they were last seen.

To make sure that lost or stolen devices are recovered as quickly as possible, Prey GPS Device Tracking also comes with a selection of advanced warning features designed to alert users if their devices are being used without authorization. These features include real-time notifications when someone attempts to log into the system using incorrect credentials or when the device is moved outside certain pre-defined zones. Users can also initiate lockouts remotely so that no one else can use their laptop or mobile device until it has been safely recovered by its owner.

Overall, Prey GPS Device Tracking offers an all-inclusive solution for keeping track of laptops, tablets and other mobile devices in case they are ever lost or stolen. With its advanced GPS technology and comprehensive security features, users will always feel secure in knowing that their important assets are tracked in real time and safe from unauthorized use at all times!

Our team can help you install Prey GPS tracking for both your laptop and mobile devices. There are many benefits of utilizing this service beyond never losing track of your devices, you can recover and protect stolen data, and effectively support a hybrid workforce.


Managed IT Services

Is your business protected from cybersecurity incidents, data loss, and downtime? We offer managed IT services for antivirus and anti-malware, backups, maintenance, and password management.

IT Support

Let our team serve you as your help desk to address IT challenges quickly so you can focus on running your business. We provide IT services for a flat-fee retainer and have options for 24/7 support.

Administrative Support & Licensing

Work with our team of experts to set up the business applications and processes you need to run your business. We can help you with Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, email and internet security, GPS tracking, and more.


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