Antivirus and Anti-Malware Protection for Small Businesses and Startups

When it comes to protecting computers, networks, and the data within them from malicious cyberattacks, antivirus and anti-malware software are essential. In particular, antivirus protection is a powerful tool to help prevent ransomware attacks. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your data and holds it hostage until you pay money or get some other form of payment. It can be devastating if it affects vital systems and data, so prevention is key.

Antivirus software works by scanning files for known viruses or suspicious signatures that indicate malware. If anything suspicious is found, the file is either quarantined or deleted. This helps prevent ransomware before it has a chance to do any damage. Additionally, antivirus programs may also detect malicious websites, emails with attached viruses or phishing links, and downloads from untrusted sources that could contain ransomware or other threats.

Our antivirus/anti-malware protection service works well alongside our suite of other Managed IT Services: backups, maintenance, and password management.


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What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, that infects computers and other digital devices. It is designed to encrypt the user's files for ransom and typically involves attackers demanding money from victims in exchange for unlocking the data. Once it has infected the system, ransomware locks the user out of their files and threatens to delete them if they don't pay the ransom.

Ransomware can spread quickly through networks, email attachments, online ads, and even text messages. It's difficult to remove since it often uses advanced encryption techniques to hide itself within a computer's files. As well as locking users out of their files, ransomware can also steal sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers.

Cybercriminals often use ransomware to extort money from businesses or individuals by threatening to destroy valuable data unless a ransom is paid. In some cases they may threaten to leak confidential information or publish embarrassing photos online unless their demands are met. It's important for businesses and individuals alike to be aware of the dangers posed by ransomware and take proactive steps to protect themselves from being targeted. This includes keeping all software up-to-date with security patches, using strong passwords, avoiding opening suspicious emails or links, running anti-virus scans regularly and making regular backups of important data onto an external hard drive or cloud storage service.

Our Protection Solution

As part of our suite of Managed IT services, we provide software that is efficient, effective, and quiet, yet still protects you from ransomware attacks. Ransomware is a constantly evolving form of malware. Out of the box software solutions like Norton won't protect you from ransomware attacks. These attacks are designed to encrypt and lock up data stored on your computer or device until you pay a ransom. Both PC and Mac users are vulnerable to these cybercriminal attacks. Our antivirus and anti-malware protection software that acts like a Tech Ninja. Let our team of IT experts keep you safe and your software up-to-date with our managed IT service for antivirus and anti-malware.



Another way to mitigate risk of a ransomware attack is to have a complete backup of your data. Learn more about our backup service.


Do you frequently ignore alerts to update your software and apps? Our regular maintenance service helps you avoid downtime and lost productivity with regular updates for your Mac or PC.

Password Management

Easy-to-remember passwords are also easy for cybercriminals to crack. Our team of experts help you install a password manager for all of your accounts using a unique and difficult to hack password.


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