Ransomware: What is it, what does it do, and how do we prevent it?

Ransomware: What is it, what does it do, and how do we prevent it?

I was giving some tips to a few MacOS users yesterday and pulled this from the Zoom recording. Ignoring the fact that I was looking at people’s faces on my screen more than the camera – it’s good stuff, so I figured I’d post it 🙂 If you’ve heard the term ransomware from me or … Continue reading Ransomware: What is it, what does it do, and how do we prevent it?

The “Right Kind”​ of IT experts

The “Right Kind”​ of IT experts

Over several years, one of the recurring problems I see out there is that, when you need IT, you’re not even sure exactly what kind of IT you need. People ask their family, their friends, their coworkers; if they’re lucky, the person needing help already knows their “IT guy” at work or another person who … Continue reading The “Right Kind”​ of IT experts