Booking System

We now allow you to book IT Consults and IT Remote Sessions online, straight from this page and without needing to call first!

IT Consults

If you would like to learn more about the services we provide, plan out possible projects or changes to service, or get consulting on a particular issue without the need for remote control, feel free to book an IT Consult for 30 minutes!

IT Remote Session

If you need IT assistance and prefer not to schedule an on-site visit, you can book an IT Remote Session in either 30-minute or 60-minute time slots!

Urgent Issues?

If you have an urgent IT problem that needs immediate attention (either remotely or in-person) and cannot book online early enough for your needs, please contact us as we may be able to schedule something sooner at our Priority or Emergency Rates.

Cancellation Policy

For support help, please also note that BH Tech Connection is committed to providing our clients with exceptional and timely service. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you review our Cancellation Policy.

If you would like to set up an appointment but it has nothing directly to do with IT services for yourself or your company, then please use the Contact Us page to reach out!